The Manager

A “Manager” is someone that see’s great value in working in a team environment and having a good work-life balance. They’re good at identifying how a strength of theirs can be mixed together with a passion or interest to create a strategy around their career…..often their passion is completely unrelated to work.

In the previous insights page, we asked you to start picking what you think each of your three lenses were and what persona profiles you related to most. We now want to give you an insight into someones career journey, by grouping each of their three lenses into the below categories.

Dominant Lens.

This one they value the most and is where their curiosity stems from.

Perspective Lens.

The more they value this, the more opportunity they have of becoming self-aware of what’s most important in life.

Growth Lens.

Although they tend to value this the least, this is where their biggest growth is toward creating their brand and better understanding who they are. It’s usually the hardest one to figure out and takes the longest time.

Peggy’s Value Goggles:

Meet Peggy! She is the President of the Richmond Football Club and the first women in history to become a club President. Trained as a lawyer, she started supporting Richmond when she came to the country at a young age. Falling in love with AFL, she wanted to create impact by working together with likeminded people that shared a similar passion.

Peggy’s dominant lens
Lens 2

Collaborating with like-minded people and building strong relationships are at the centre of what Peggy values. This is because when she came to the country, supporting Richmond allowed her to make new friends and be a part of something.

Peggy’s perspective lens
Lens 1

Since she’s a passionate fan at heart, Peggy’s able to genuinely enjoy what she does. Being a successful lawyer, she was able to bring her skillset from the corporate world into a completely different environment that needed a business mind at the time.

Peggy’s growth lens
Lens 3

After meeting her Australian husband in a backpackers lodge in Greece, Peggy soon after migrated to Australia from America. The inequality she experienced in her corporate job, motivated her to seek change by bridging together a strength with an environment she actually valued.

Journal time.

Now that you know more about Peggy and her career journey, grab your journal and start to label your dominant, perspective and growth lens; the below questions will help you to identify them.

  1. Dominant Lens: What do you want most out of a career more than anything else?
  2. Perspective Lens: What are you not willing to compromise in pursuit of your goals in life?
  3. Growth Lens: What frustrates you the most with where you’re currently at?

Feel free to join our Facebook page and share these questions with us!

We’d like to introduce you to the BrandU way of going about figuring out your career path.