What are your Value Goggles?

Welcome to your brandU Insights. If you haven’t already, go to this link to start exploring the first aspect of your brand. It will help you to better understand what you want out of a career by getting you to become more self-aware of your most immediate environments. This is so important because the people and experiences that influence who we are, often impact our choices and what we believe without us even knowing. We can’t own who we are without first understanding what contributes to our identity.

Your Value Persona’s:

This is your opportunity to start unpacking what each of your three lens’ are. We explored each of these in our Value Questionnaire and now want you to apply it to a certain set of “personas” that resonate with you. The purpose behind the below matrix is to start forming a foundation of what you value in yourself, others and your surroundings, in order to start mapping out your ideal career path.

Choose Your Persona:

Lens 1
How I see myself
I have massive ambition and want to channel that into something great.I value a career where I’m earning good money and can generate some sort of impact.I want to reach my full potential and help others reach their’s along the way.My purpose is to help those who can’t help themselves.
Lens 2
How I see others
I create my own opportunity and value, and people follow me.I prefer working in a team environment and collaborating with like-minded people.My purpose is to use my passion and talents to entertain and enlighten through some form of expression.There is no greater sacrifice in this world than to better the lives of others.
Lens 3
How I see the world
I create my own fate and want to build something that allows me to dictate my future.My level of success is determined by what I can provide to those around me.I have the ability to inspire people and change their mood.I am aware that I’m apart of something that is bigger than just me.

Journal Time.

Try answering the below on a page, and if you get stuck, you can join the Facebook group to reach out directly to one of our team members. If you don’t have your brandU journal yet, feel free to use a piece of paper or your computer.

  1. Is there a particular profile that you resonate with most?
  2. Choose each of your three lens’ – they can all be in one column or across multiple rows and profiles!
  3. Ask yourself the below once you’ve chosen them…
    a. Which lens do you think you value most?
    b. Which one could shift your perspective on what you believe you value most?
    c. Which one do you value the least, and why?

The reason we’ve asked these questions is because we’ve created four different persona profiles in the next few insight pages, to help you see what it might look like for people who we know and inspire us. Use these pages as a reference point and resource to add to your existing answers.

Click here to explore your persona: The Entrepreneur, The Manager, The Artist or The Philanthropist.

The brandU Generation:

We’ve created a private Facebook group where we want to find and grow the next ‘brandU generation’ of tomorrow. Here we will share with you personalised content that will help you further understand and create your brand. You will also be able to personally contact the team and arrange mentoring sessions with us whenever you’d like to. All are welcome!

We’d like to introduce you to the BrandU way of going about figuring out your career path.